Blind date Blind date in general is a date where people involved have not met each other previously. In Hokkien marriage , the parents will arrange the blind date for their son or daughter in order to find a suitable marriage partner in future. In the tradition of Hokkien, before 2000, the blind date was aimed to recognise deeply about the background of the man and woman. This was because the Hokkien community was very concerned about the desired husband or wife’s name, lineage, personality, character, and behavior. Name is related for the Feng Shui, lineage is related to the well connection of the people, personality, character and behavior were related to how the people deal with their partner in future. These characteristics are important for the parents to know whether he or she is subtable or not as a partner for their son or daughter. Usually the parents of the man started to find the family which has a girl of marriageable age, and arrange the blind...
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